Not afraid to become an idol, you come...

Not afraid to become an idol, you come...

The 100-kilometer cross-country run, which is an impossible challenge in ordinary people's eyes, is so desirable and fascinating, and all runners want to experience, to feel.

Some are not for the sake of ranking, just for the heart of the passion, freedom, the soul of the idea is often the adrenaline increase, always want to go.

As a trail running small white I am not to experience, so I also specially to the site of the activity, to feel, to experience, and to participate in the trail running inside, people's enthusiasm, smile will let you really feel that call from the heart.

The strong atmosphere of the scene will make you immersed in it, but will not make you feel that you are a running friend xiao Bai, watching elite runners wearing perfect equipment, tanned skin color reveals full muscle feeling, seems to tell, I want to gallop through the forest, with my footsteps to measure every inch of the mountain.

All elite runners carry cross-country backpacks with their own essentials, from many brands, in many colors, except one that stands out.

The simple beauty is often ignored below the attractive premise, and the impact that ordinary color system can bring people more is ignored.

Black and white, it is the classic color that walks in era frontier all the time is, simple colour collocation always can bring the avant-garde that your expect is less than.

To paraphrase Coco Chanel, "Black is everything, and so is white. Their beauty is impeccable, their harmony is absolute, and the simpler they are, the more they represent endless variation.

This also greatly impacted the inspiration source of our designer. The designer brought us this lightweight cross-country backpack in black and white after many iterations of design and cutting, as well as the selection of face and accessories.

Put it on and you'll be the center of attention


PREVIOUS:What are the skills of running? Running considerations?

NEXT:AONIJIE-2021 Lushan Mountain Cross-country Training Camp

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+86 18757016035